www.parentsonline.gov.uk   explains benefits of education on the net

www.dfes.gov.uk/parents DfES curriculum and assessment details to see what your children should be learning at school

www.ngfl.gov.uk National Grid for learning


www.btopenworld.com/thelearningcentre Some of the best resources for £3.99 per month.  Includes  www.livinglibrary.co.uk as found in schools

www.learn.co.uk the with lots of lessons £10 per year.

www.worldclassarena.org For gifted 9 or 13 year olds

www.tate.org.uk/learning art



www.tinyplanets.com fun visuals and facts for children


www.about.com by global knowledge experts

www.askoxford.com correct english language


www.eternalegypt.org Treasures of Tutankamun etc

www.pbs.org/odyssey/interactive Video and more from the worlds oceans


Exam Help

Revision notes www.revision-notes.co.uk

History www.schoolhistory.co.uk   www.activehistory.co.uk

Biology www.exam.net

Languages gut.languageskills.co.uk  Beginners www.bbc.co.uk/languages  High-Tech www.elanguage.com

French www.frenchrevision.co.uk intermediate www.languageguide.org/francais

Maths www.mathsisfun.com   www.mathsnetgcse.com

Portal www.livinglibrary.co.uk

General www.schoolsnet.com

Revison notes www.btlearningcentre.com



Phrasebook www.smartphrase.com



Course Help

Lists of other helpful homework sites  www.homeworkspot.com


Quick learn www.s-cool.co.uk

Marking www.studyzones.com

General www.bbc.co.uk/sosteacher