Note on Security and Viruses
If you ever connect to the internet you really must ensure that whatever else
- You have a good anti-virus program with automatic updates (I prefer Norton Internet Security)
- You have the latest Windows updates
These must be up to date before you download email or browse web sites.
See Security and Virus for details
Reloading Windows 98 Software
Create a Start up boot disc from any W98 PC. Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs, Start-up-disk, Create Disk.
Change boot Priority in CMOS System Setup Program, (For Dell press Del or F2 key on booting, other systems refer to manual or try http://members.cox.net/joemurphy/setup.htm for many options)
Use FDISK program on W98 Startup disk to creat partitions
Then format drives "format c:"
run setup.exe in win98 directory. Tip copy WIN98 folder with all files to hard drive - it saves lots of time when loading drivers - just point to WIN98 directory rather than loading Windows 98 disk.
RealPlayer -NOTE this can take over your PC. Try Real Alternative that plays all the files without the ads etc. www.free-codecs.com/download/Real_Alternative.htm
Treesize to find what's filling up your disks http://www.jam-software.com/
Defrag hard drive - but boot to safe mode first W95 hold F8 W98 hold ctrl
Delete Windows Temp files
Delete Temporary Internet Files Folder, Window will recreate it.
Check files in Startup
Use google toolbar to stop pop ups http://www.google.com/
Quick free shutdown programme for XP www.winutility.com/qsd
Data Backup www.datadepositbox.com £1 per month for 200MB
Download latest video drivers for best speed www.ati.com www.nvidia.com
Hardware info in registry for W98 Windows/HWINFO /UL
Retrieve files deleted from digital camera cards http://www.dtidata.com/ about £50
driver downloads http://www.driverguide.com/
For Purchases
Memory both PC USB memory stick and camera http://www.crucial.com/
http://www.aria.co.uk/ peripheral purchase 128 MB memory stick, hard drives, MP3
cdexos.sourceforge.net for free CD ripper
http://www.tomshardware.com/ Performance comparisions of components esp graphics cards
Hard drives for laptops use Hitachi Travelstar. Very good speeds. Increase storage and improve your PC's performance
Specmark2002 3dmark software http://www.futuremark.com/
Windows XP PowerToys http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx
Check for duplicate files free CloneSpy progrtam www.clonespy.de/english
Daily Telegraph Archive via www.telegraph.co.uk > Technology > Bootcamp or Try Direct Link
Storing passwords in an encrypted file Whisper 32 free from www.ivory.org
Video drivers www.ati.com www.nvidia.com
Dell Drivers http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/
Troubleshooting w98 http://www.helpdesk.umd.edu/topics/troubleshooting/os/windows_9x/